Whitepaper: CE
From 1 November 2019, the CE on fire-resistant industrial doors is in force. This new European legislation has far-reaching consequences for all parties involved in construction, refurbishment and renovation projects in which fire doors are used. What are the consequences and who is liable in case of non-compliance? You can read all about it in the Whitepaper: The consequences of CE marking on fire doors.
Stricter requirements lead to a narrower offer
The stricter requirements for CE marking result in a smaller range of fire doors for all manufacturers. Versions that were still allowed under national legislation will no longer be permitted after 1 November 2019.
Those who do not meet the standard are punishable
Europe is introducing the rules in order to reduce the large differences in quality and the wide variety of test methods and thus increase fire safety.
"Anyone placing a substandard industrial fire door after 1 November 2019 is committing an economic crime.
There are multiple responsible parties in this situation. Liable in addition to the manufacturer are the architect, the contractor and the building owner. It is therefore important for all parties to take ownership and take a critical look at the current situation and new building or renovation plans involving the use of industrial fire doors.
Download the white paper on CE